Bringing Baby Home (BBH) is a two day psycho-educational and hands on practical program that was created by the Drs. John and Julie Gottman to help prepare couples for the changes and challenges that come with the birth of a child. The program aims to provide the tools couples need to be the best parents they can be while maintaining the quality of their relationship and building a strong and healthy family together.
Research shows that 2/3 couples will experience a significant drop in relationship satisfaction within 3 years of child’s birth. The challenges for new parents include a decrease in relationship quality, emotional changes such as the experience of postpartum depression or baby blues, and fathers experiencing depression and feelings of displacement.
Research conducted by The Gottman Institute has shown that a couple’s relationship health is foundational to their child’s development, including their child’s achievement of physical milestones, language development, and establishing secure attachment and bonding with their father and mother.
BBH teaches couples how to strengthen their friendship, increase intimacy and regulate conflict. Parents also learn how to co-parent effectively – learning how both parents can be kept involved.
Research clearly shows that children thrive in a home where their parents love one another, care for one another, and where conflict is managed in such a way that the relationship intimacy of both parents, and their children is strengthened.
It is my hope that as expectant parents, or parents of little ones (0-3yo) that you come along to the Bringing the Baby Home Workshop where you will learn how to give your child “the greatest gift…a strong relationship between you and your partner” (Dr. John Gottman, PhD).